Aestiva Dental

Aestiva Dental


In 2022, Dragana, the owner of Aestiva Dental, approached me to address a critical issue with their existing website. While the website had served the practice well, it needed an essential update: removing outdated photos of previous employees and adding new staff members. Ideally, this was a task that the Aestiva Dental staff should have been able to handle using their Content Management System (CMS). However, due to certain limitations in the site’s coding, I was brought in to make these updates.

Client background

Aestiva Dental is a reputable dental practice known for its commitment to delivering top-notch dental care and a personalized patient experience. While their website had been functional, it needed regular updates to reflect their current team and services accurately.

Project objectives

  1. Remove outdated photos of previous employees and add new staff member profiles.
  2. Integrate a plugin to display patient videos for improved engagement.
  3. Enable Aestiva Dental staff to make future content updates using their CMS.
  4. Create a comprehensive CMS user manual to ensure staff members could utilize the system effectively.

Project execution

  1. Identifying the Issue:

   – Upon reviewing the website, it was evident that the source code prevented the Aestiva Dental staff from making essential updates themselves.


2. Updating Employee Information:*

   – I edited the source code to remove outdated photos of previous employees and add new staff member profiles to ensure the site accurately reflected the current team.


3. Enhancing Website Functionality:*

   – I introduced a plugin to the website to allow for the easy display of patient videos, enhancing patient engagement and trust.


4. Enabling CMS Control:*

   – To empower the Aestiva Dental staff to manage their website independently, I worked on the site’s code to ensure it was compatible with their CMS.


5. Creating a User Manual:*

   – I developed a user-friendly CMS manual tailored to Aestiva Dental’s specific needs, providing step-by-step instructions for content updates, ensuring a seamless transition to self-management.

Results & Outcomes

  1. Outdated employee photos were successfully removed, and new staff profiles were added, providing website visitors with accurate and up-to-date information.
  1. The integration of the patient video plugin contributed to improved patient engagement and trust, showcasing Aestiva Dental’s commitment to transparency and communication.
  1. The website was transformed into a user-friendly platform, enabling the Aestiva Dental staff to make future content updates, thus reducing the need for external assistance and saving time and resources.
  1. The CMS manual I created made it easy for the staff to navigate the content management system independently, ensuring they could maintain a current and dynamic website.

In conclusion, the project for Aestiva Dental addressed an immediate need for website updates while also laying the foundation for long-term content management independence. By removing coding barriers, introducing new features, and providing comprehensive guidance, we have empowered Aestiva Dental to maintain an up-to-date and engaging online presence, aligning with their commitment to excellence in dental care and patient satisfaction.